Jesus never seemed to lose his sense of both being called to and from a particular group of people and recognizing the need proclaim God’s love and mercy to people who didn’t share his culture. This tension continued in the early church. Evangelists … [Read more...]
What a difference one preference makes!
In the College, we use the Myers Briggs Typology Indicator as a tool for leaders to gain insight about themselves and their organizations. One mistake that's easy to make when using the MBTI is to simply add up your preferences and call it good: I … [Read more...]
Happy new year!
This weekend we begin Year A in the College curriculum, a year that focuses on our foundational materials, the 'self' of the leader, and conflict. It's our new year, our new beginning of a two-year cycle of learning and growth as lay and clergy … [Read more...]
Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator
Trainer Update: In the College and also in our consulting work, the trainers and consultants are skilled in applying the Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI) to our work on congregational development, helping teams and even whole congregations … [Read more...]
Myers-Briggs: a great tool for teams, communication, conflict, and more
Today I met with a group of graduate students to teach and interpret the Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI®). They learned the theory, made initial hypotheses about what their preferences are, and integrated that learning with the reports we … [Read more...]