Originally posted on March 27, 2015 Years ago a therapist colleague said to me, "All relationships end." She was reflecting on the human experience of birth, growth, maturity, decline, and death. Her clients sometimes need to hear this: that it's … [Read more...]
Likes, concerns, and wishes
(Originally posted on October 15, 2015) Here's a simple tool you can use as a meeting facilitator that helps your team assess how a ministry or project is going, and plan next steps in the immediate future. It's a tool that quickly reveals a lot … [Read more...]
Norms for meetings: a powerful tool
Originally posted on September 12, 2014. Lots of things we learn at the College are hiding in plain sight as small but powerful tools. On the surface, "Norms for Meetings" looks like what it is---a little list of things we need to keep in mind so … [Read more...]
There’s a Model for That!
There have been times that I have had to tell myself to stop talking about the College for Congregation Development in fear of becoming a broken record to my congregation. But then we decided that it was time for us to engage in a vision process! … [Read more...]
Definitions of Congregational Development and Organization Development
(First published on March 11, 2012) What is Organization Development? Organization development is an effort (1) planned, (2) organization-wide, and (3) managed from the top, to (4) increase organization effectiveness and health through (5) planned … [Read more...]