The College for Congregational Development: The College is an intensive seven-day, six-night training program for lay and clergy leaders offered over two summers. We seek to develop healthy, faithful, sustainable congregations able to fulfill their … [Read more...]
The Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
The College for Congregational Development: The College is a 2-year program that includes readings, homework, presentation, working in teams, the completion of a content exam and the completion of two back-home projects. Because the College seeks to … [Read more...]
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
College for Congregational Development: A program that builds skills and increases capacity for participants to develop congregations of all sizes, locations and conditions in to more faithful, healthy and effective communities of faith. A training … [Read more...]
Diocese of New Westminster
School for Parish Development: An opportunity for both clergy and lay people to develop skills in congregation and organizational development. The School equips people to Look at their current reality: Who are we? Where are we? Discern the … [Read more...]
Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
College of Congregational Development: The College of Congregational Development is a comprehensive training program that originated in the Diocese of Olympia in Western Washington. It seeks to nurture and develop congregational development … [Read more...]