The Collaborative for Church Vitality is a joint effort by the Dioceses of California (the Episcopal Church in the Bay Area) and Northern California. Led by Caroline McCall and Andrea McMillin, the CCV is leading 50+ lay and clergy leaders in the College curriculum, focusing this week on our core models, processes of planned change, and MBTI, a personality typology indicator that helps leaders gain awareness about their own strengths and blind spots, and also plan skillful interventions based on their assessment of a whole congregation’s preferences for how to gather information and make decisions. Later this year, in November, we’ll finish up this year’s curriculum, working on conflict management and planning congregational development projects back home.
We’re doing our work at the beautiful Bishop’s Ranch, operated by the Diocese of California, which means our flip charts are competing with views like this:
The CCV training staff includes trainers from the Dioceses of Olympia (Western Washington) and New Westminster (British Columbia), in addition to the California practitioners. As more and more dioceses share the knowledge and common language of our curriculum, this cross-pollination is happening more often. Exciting times for our congregations!