This is the weekend when we meet as colleagues to design and refine development projects in our congregations. Some of us are introducing new ways to welcome visitors and incorporate newcomers into the life of the congregation. Others are planning data-gathering projects to help their people understand and discuss something important that’s going on in their life together. Some are making changes to their liturgy, but doing so with careful planning and sensitivity to the developmental need that might be met by this change, and an openness to feedback. Still others are planning projects to develop their own facilitation or leadership skills. It’s fun work, but also challenging.
Bishop Greg Rickel was with us, as usual, for morning prayer on Saturday. The weather is clear and cold. As we turn into the new year, another four-week cycle of learning will be underway, beginning February 6-7, 2015. Consider taking a team (small or large) from your congregation to the College: imagine what might happen if your team planned skillful interventions to improve the life and health of your church!