Evangelism in the Small Membership Church by Royal Speidel. Part of the series: “Ministry in the Small Membership Church.” Abingdon Press, 2007. (269.2 Spe)
Forming Christian disciples is at the core of congregational life, and this United Methodist pastor draws on rich experience to outline how “small church leaders with a passion for Christ” can make a difference.
Firewood Evangelism: Christian Hospitality in a Multi-Faith World. by Elizabeth R. Geitz. Church Publishing, 2004. (269.2 Gei)
Describing the “nuts and bolts of outreach and newcomer ministry in a pluralistic society”, Geitz explores what it means to speak of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, while honoring the validity of other religious paths and showing our willingness to welcome the stranger into our churches.
Hospitality – The Sacred Art by the Rev. Nanette Sawyer. Series: “The Art of Spiritual Living.” SkyLight Paths, 2008. (241.671 Saw)
Hospitality holds profound potential for building and transforming lasting relationships and this ordained Presbyterian minister speaks of the tools needed to cultivate the spiritual power of invitation and welcome.
Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love. by Fr. Daniel Homan and Lonni Collins Pratt. New Expanded Edition. Paraclete Press, 2011. ( 241.671 Hom)
Benedict’s Rule states that “All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ.” This ideal is not without its practical problems, and the authors do not pretend otherwise. They do not offer techniques but what one review called a “welcome mat to enter into the spiritual discipline of hospitality.” Also available is Companion Guide to Radical Hospitality, compiled by Robert Gibson (241.671 Hom) which provides tools for study groups to discuss this work.
Transforming Evangelism. by David Gortner. Part of the series: “Transformations: The Episcopal Church of the 21st Century.” Church Publishing, 2008. (266 Gor)
Gortner, an Episcopal priest and psychologist, helps us to understand the biblical and theological support for evangelism, and helps us develop a spiritually enriching approach that welcomes the seeker and deepens our evangelical calling in our twenty-first century society.
Many more materials are available in the Resource Center. Using the search box at our online catalog, enter the keywords “hospitality” or “evangelism.”
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